
Showing posts with label diy teeth whitening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diy teeth whitening. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12, 2015

How to WhitenTeeth with Baking Soda

Making Use of Baking Soda To Clean Your Teeth

Baking soda is one of the best natural cleansers and it's safe to use on your teeth as well as for cleaning around the house. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, a naturally occurring mineral. It has been used for thousands of years in cooking, as a cleaning agent, and for treating dental and mouth problems. Baking soda is a great natural tooth cleaner and it can whiten your teeth and prevent stains. It is cheap and easy to find at any grocery store. Here are a few easy ways that you can use baking soda to prevent stained teeth:

Teeth Whitening 4 You

Brush with Baking Soda

The simplest way to use baking soda to prevent tooth stains is to brush with it before you brush with your normal toothpaste.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Nothing like a Beautiful Smile

There is nothing that compares to a beautiful smile. It is the universal sign for kindness, it will instantly brighten up your face, and some claim it is the key to a long and happy life. In fact, we may never know all the good that a simple smile can do. But, we do know that a dazzling smile reveals a lot about you!

Let your confidence shine! The smile makeover is the most exciting and rewarding procedure performed in dentistry today. Teeth whitening isn’t just for the movie stars. Whether you have a special event coming up or you just want to look your best for whatever life throws your way, teeth whitening is a safe, hassle-free procedure that will brighten your smile for up to five years!
Even without your natural teeth, you can still have a gorgeous smile! 
Treat yourself to a smile makeover today!

Teeth Whitening 4 You™ is a digital program which shows you a completely safe, cheap and 100% NATURAL way to get sparkling beautiful white teeth from the comfort of your own home.

With Teeth Whitening 4 You you even may have teeth like Amber Rose has. Give it a try! Won't regret!

Teeth Whitening 4 You

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Addicted to teeth whitening: Dubbed ‘bleachorexics’.Can you risk wrecking their looks for that million dollar smile?
Teresa James, 40, believes the pain involved is worth it for a bright smile
Lisa Arbiter, 33, has bought high-strength bleach from America for 13 years
Donna Billson started before her wedding last year and is already a convert

Her mouth felt as if it were on fire, her gums were beginning to blister and her teeth had grown so sensitive that she knew that if so much as a sip of water came into contact with them she would wince.
But Teresa’s agony was tempered with pride, because when she did manage to summon a smile, it was the most dazzling at her table.

She had spent four hours earlier that afternoon bleaching her teeth and, as far as she was concerned, the considerable discomfort was worth it. ‘Whitening has been unbearably painful at times,’ says Teresa, 40. ‘But I am obsessive about having a bright smile.’

Teresa’s regimen may sound somewhat masochistic, but she is one of an increasing number of women for whom whitening their teeth has become an integral part of their beauty routine — as normal as colouring their hair or waxing their legs.
In America, sales of tooth whitening products have risen 300 per cent since 1996, and the trend for excessive bleaching has grown so commonplace there that dentists have coined a new word for it — ‘bleachorexia’.

When it is done properly, tooth whitening is a simple and‘There has been an upsurge in beauticians whitening teeth with unregulated materials,’ says Dr Druian. ‘Many use chlorine dioxide — a strong antibacterial chemical sometimes found in swimming pools — which is easier to get hold of, given the Government’s restrictions on hydrogen peroxide.
safe way of improving your appearance,’ says cosmetic dentist Dr Mervyn Druian. ‘But if it is performed in an unregulated fashion, with the wrong product, it can cause enamel erosion, receding gums and infection.’

‘After 45 minutes out of the syringe, hydrogen peroxide loses effectiveness. More time won’t make your teeth whiter, it will just lead to irritation and sensitivity. And if you have decay in your teeth, it can enter and lead to infection.’

So, what you can do? How can you whiten your teeth and stay safe with beautiful gorgeous smile?
The best way to whiten teeth is use natural teeth whitening product like thousands people do.

Try this natural product for your satisfaction!

Teeth Whitening 4 You