
Showing posts with label dental health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dental health. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2015

Is This Method Right For You?

Light-accelerated Bleaching Is a Teeth Whitening Treatment

Light-accelerated bleaching is newer type of treatment for tooth whitening. It has to be done by a dentist who has been trained in how to use a laser for cosmetic dentistry. During a light-accelerated bleaching treatment the dentist will first spread a peroxide based gel on your teeth. The gel will sit on your teeth for around 15 or 20 minutes. Then the dentist will use a laser to accelerate the whitening process by activating minerals within the gel that is on your teeth. The results can be very dramatic, because the use of the laser can whiten teeth up to 11 shades. People like this procedure because it's relatively quick, it only has to be done once, and there are very noticeable results. But there are some concerns about light-accelerated tooth whitening that mean you should think carefully about it before you make an appointment.

Concerns About Light-Accelerated Bleaching

Monday, April 6, 2015

How to whiten teeth fast

Beverages can change the way that your smile looks over time. Highly caffeinated, dark drinks, like coffee and soda can do a whole mess of damage to your smile. You will be staining your enamel and feeling the effects every time that you look into the mirror.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Oral Health Often Overlooked By Health Care Practitioners Interview with:
 Judith Haber, PhD, APRN, BC, FAAN Associate Dean, Graduate Programs The Ursula Springer Leadership Professor in Nursing New York, NY 10003

 Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Haber: The background of the project originally aligns with publication of the Surgeon General’s Report (2000), challenging health providers to think about the “mouth as a window to the body”. More recent Institute of Medicine (IOM) reports, Advancing Oral Health in America (2011) and Improving Access to Oral Health Care for Vulnerable and Underserved Populations (2011) highlighted the extant problems with oral health access, oral health disparities and outcomes and the potential role of the primary care workforce in addressing this population health issue.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Teeth Whitening Treatment

Light-accelerated Bleaching Is a Teeth Whitening Treatment

Light-accelerated bleaching is newer type of treatment for tooth whitening. It has to be done by a dentist who has been trained in how to use a laser for cosmetic dentistry. During a light-accelerated bleaching treatment the dentist will first spread a peroxide based gel on your teeth. The gel will sit on your teeth for around 15 or 20 minutes.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Do You Have A Shining Smile?

Teeth Whitening 4 You

Laser Whitening For A Shining Smile

Laser whitening is one of the newest teeth whitening treatments. It is performed by a dentist in a dental office and usually takes about 15-30 minutes. During a laser whitening treatment the dentist will paint a mineralized whitening gel on your teeth and then use a laser to amplify the effects of the gel. The results can be dramatic because the laser amplified whitening can whiten teeth up to 11 shades lighter. But there are some disadvantages to using laser whitening too that you should consider before having laser whitening done.

Reasons to Try Laser Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening 4 You

Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Is A Tooth Cleanser

One of the best home remedies for stained teeth you probably already have in your cupboard. Food-grade hydrogen peroxide is a great tool for eliminating stains on teeth and preventing new stains. But, food-grade hydrogen peroxide can be rough on gums if you use it at full strength frequently. It's better to dilute it a little bit or use it only on your teeth. 

How it Works

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How Bleaching Causes Sensitivity

Teeth Whitening 4 You

Excessive Use Of Whitening Gels Results In Tooth Sensitivity

How to keep Your Teeth White And Healthy

Eating Certain Fruits and Vegetables Keeps Teeth White And Healthy

Brushing your teeth and practicing good dental hygiene is important for keeping your teeth healthy and white. But, it's not the only way to keep your teeth white. There are several different foods that you can eat that will help clean stains off your teeth and prevent foods from staining your teeth. There are fruits and vegetables that gently scrub your teeth as you eat them, which will remove food particles and stains from things like coffee, wine, juice or soda. Additionally these food stimulate your mouth to produce more saliva. The saliva will help wash your teeth and keep new stains from forming. So fruits and vegetables aren't just good for you because they contain vitamins and minerals, they are good for you because they will also clean your teeth and make them strong. 

Fruits That Will Clean Your Teeth

You have probably been told over the years to limit how much fruit you eat because the natural sugar in fruit can cause tooth decay and other problems. But the natural sugar in fruit doesn't damage your teeth the way that processed sugar does so you can have more fruit than you think. Apples, strawberries and kiwi fruit are fruits that you can eat every day to clean your teeth and keep them healthy. Because these fruits are also high in Vitamin C they will keep your gums healthy too, which is an added bonus. An apple a day won't just keep the doctor away, it will keep the dentist away too. 

Vegetables That Will Clean Your Teeth

Are you eating enough vegetables each day? Most people aren't. Adding vegetables like cauliflower, carrots and broccoli to your diet will make your teeth whiter and healthier. Pumpkins, sweet potatoes and cucumbers will also keep your teeth clean and your mouth healthy. There are many delicious ways to make these vegetables part of your diet. Just adding cucumbers to a salad or replacing chips with carrots and eating them with dip as a snack is all you need to do to whiten your teeth every day. Start adding these fruits and vegetables to your diet and you will notice quickly how much better your teeth look. 

Teeth Whitening 4 You

How to Choose Whitening Treatments

Danger of Teeth Whitening Using Non-Natural Techniques: Chemical Burns

Whether you use a DIY kit or have teeth whitening done at the dentist if you use a product or have a treatment done that doesn't use natural elements to whiten teeth you could get hurt. Many products that aren't naturally based use harsh chemicals that can destroy the surface of your teeth, ruin the enamel of the tooth, or even cause nasty chemical burns on the gums. Chemical burns on the gums can take weeks to heal and they are very painful. 

Teeth Whitening 4 You

How to Prevent Your Teeth From Damaging And Causing Decay. Result!

Chewing Sugar Free Gums For Whiter Teeth

Brushing your teeth after meals is the best way to prevent the food that you eat from staining your teeth. But it's not always possible to brush right after eating a meal, drinking coffee or having some wine with friends. If you eat out often and are concerned about your teeth getting stained by what you eat and drink there is an alternative to brushing. Chewing sugar free gum after eating or drinking has been proven to help prevent stains and keep your mouth healthy.

How Sugar Free Gum Helps Your Mouth

There are a couple of ways that sugar free gum can help prevent stained teeth.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Most important tips of oral hygiene

Flossing is one of the most important daily routines you can perform for the long-term health of your teeth and gums.

Some tips for best flossing techniques.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Ancient Teeth Whitening Methods

Ancient Teeth Whitening Methods

Our ancestors were also concerned about whiter teeth. They used different methods to achieve a shining smile. The ancient Egyptians around 4000 years ago started the process of teeth whitening. They were very much concerned with appearing beautiful and wealthy. Thus they mixed wine vinegar with ground pumice stone in order to create a white paste which they applied to their teeth. 

Teeth Whitening 4 You

Bleachorexia: A Serious Disorder Which Destroys Your Teeth

Bleachorexia: A Serious Disorder Which Destroys Your Teeth

Bleachorexia may sound harmless, but it's a very serious disorder. People who feel like their teeth are never white enough and bleach their teeth over and over are said to have bleachorexia. A dentist coined the term a few years ago when he started noticing patients coming in over and over for bleaching treatments whose teeth were in really bad shape as a result of the over bleaching. When a person has bleachorexia they usually use home bleaching kits several times a week and see the dentist for more in-depth bleaching on a regular basis. But the overexposure to harsh bleaching gels and additives in home bleaching kits can destroy teeth.
Your Home-Based, All-Natural Teeth Whitening Solution!

The Damages Caused by Over Bleaching