
Showing posts with label teeth whitening at home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teeth whitening at home. Show all posts

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Teeth Whitening Treatment

Light-accelerated Bleaching Is a Teeth Whitening Treatment

Light-accelerated bleaching is newer type of treatment for tooth whitening. It has to be done by a dentist who has been trained in how to use a laser for cosmetic dentistry. During a light-accelerated bleaching treatment the dentist will first spread a peroxide based gel on your teeth. The gel will sit on your teeth for around 15 or 20 minutes.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Do You Have A Shining Smile?

Teeth Whitening 4 You

Laser Whitening For A Shining Smile

Laser whitening is one of the newest teeth whitening treatments. It is performed by a dentist in a dental office and usually takes about 15-30 minutes. During a laser whitening treatment the dentist will paint a mineralized whitening gel on your teeth and then use a laser to amplify the effects of the gel. The results can be dramatic because the laser amplified whitening can whiten teeth up to 11 shades lighter. But there are some disadvantages to using laser whitening too that you should consider before having laser whitening done.

Reasons to Try Laser Teeth Whitening

Monday, March 23, 2015

Bleaching Gel To Brighten Teeth

Applying Bleaching Gel To Brighten Teeth

One of the teeth whitening methods that many people try at home is using a bleaching gel. Bleaching gel is pretty inexpensive and easy to find. Bleaching gels are made from a peroxide solution that can be applied in several different ways. The gel can be applied in a bleaching tray that fits over the teeth, or with a small brush or a toothbrush. It also can be put into a bleaching pen and applied with the pen. 

Advantages of Using Bleaching Gel

Monday, March 16, 2015

Having a well-maintained oral health is something that everyone must be concerned about.

Our mouth can ‘say’ a lot about us, our general health and well-being. Oral issues that may arise can be signs to potentially more serious health concerns that we may not see or feel but should not ignore. oral pain, bleeding gums and infections ought to be brought to the attention of your dentist to properly assess, diagnose and treat as quickly as possible. Early detection, particularly in cases of oral cancers, can be the difference between life and death and help to prevent other diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and even strokes.

Having a well-maintained oral health is something that everyone must be concerned about.

Oral hygiene, and oral health in general, is an essential component of one's health and it plays an important role, too, when it comes to your total being, not just your fashion style, because it helps boost your confidence.
Having decayed teeth and gum diseases are often associated with bad breath. Thus, it really can affect one's self-confidence, self-image, and self-esteem.
Complete oral hygiene reduce the growth of inflammation-causing bacteria and avoids heart attack.

Teeth Whitening 4 You

Tips for Better Oral Health
1.    Regular cleanings and examinations will give you many reasons to smile – cleaner teeth and good oral health!
2.    Regular brushing and flossing at home. Floss before brushing and brush your teeth and tongue at least twice a day using a soft toothbrush.
3.    Eat a well-balanced diet and avoid foods and beverages high in sugar or carbohydrates.
4.   Always eat healthy food, especially those that are rich in vitamin C
5.    Avoid chewing tobacco, pipe and cigarette smoking. All have been linked to oral and other cancers.
Good oral hygiene is a lifelong commitment and should become a part of your daily routine to maintain healthier oral and overall health and quality of life! Just a few minutes in the morning and before bed are all it takes to give you even more reasons to smile!

Importance of Child's Oral Health.
1. Children must be introduced to a dentist the moment they celebrate their first birthday. Thus, your children will be used to seeing her and will never develop any fear about having their teeth checked;

2. Introduce oral hygiene even before their first tooth comes out. With the use of soft cloth, you can already keep your baby's mouth clean. Gently wipe their gums with it.

3. Be consistent and firm about your oral hygiene policies. This will help you out in making your children understand how important oral hygiene is.